Monday, June 18, 2012

Lots of Fun turning ONE!

Whew!  I feel like I just recovered from all the birthday celebrations-we had so much fun!

A BIG thank you to everyone who helped me and my parents celebrate.  Here are some pictures.

I had too many cupcakes at the playground party and was rowdy.  Sorry Mama!

Playing with my cousins Jacob, Ella and Michelle.  I have so much fun playing with them!!

I LOVE cake!!

And fingerpainting too!

These are some of my friends that came to my party at Porterhouse.  We had a lot of fun there too!

In other BIG news: I started walking!  The day after I turned 1 I started walking, not just a few steps and then plopping like I'd been doing for awhile.  

I'm a hot stepper!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Busy weekend!

I went to Long Beach the other morning with my mommy and Zayde rode his bike to meet us there.  It was a beautiful morning down at the beach.

I had a fun play date with my good pal Hannah. She shared her toys and let me sit in her cool chair.

Mommy and Daddy took me out for dinner on Saturday night. Our dining neighbors complimented me on being cute AND well-behaved. 

I am over my aversion to grass and really enjoyed playing in the backyard in my new pool and with my slide.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Hard Day at the Office

The sign of a good at day care is marked by how dirty your pants are.

By looking at my knees and (my bum) which are covered in dirt you can see that I had a fabulous day.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The humidity is great for my hair

My curls have been out of control, and they bounce a lot when I crawl around.

I had a fever and a sore throat earlier this week but I'm feeling better now. It was rough on all of us but Mommy and Daddy did a top notch job taking care of me.

I went my friend Hannah's birthday party and played in my first bouncy castle. I pretty much just rolled around in it but I liked it a lot.

Friday, April 20, 2012

A Hair Raising Experience

The other day at the playground I went down a plastic slide and look.what it did to my hair.

My mommy says this picture should be in science text books age static electricity is taught.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My first Passover

What a special holiday it was!  I got to spend a lot of time with both sides of the family, I tried matzah for the first time and I even found the afikomen the first night too (with some help)!

I hope you enjoyed your Passover and Easter!


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Class Pictures

Here are some of the pictures from picture day at Stepping Stones.  You can see my buddies Lily and Gabriel, and of course the awesome Lauren!!

I am going to be 10 months old on Saturday and some of my new tricks include waving and clapping.  I particularly like to applaud myself after I successfully pick my Cheerios off the table and feed them to myself.  I am climbing stairs now and going down the BIG slide at the playground.  I have 6 teeth now but I haven't stopped drooling so maybe there are more on the way.

I hope everyone has a nice Passover and Easter.
